Perch, inhabiting our waters, is a target for many anglers, and using spinners remains one of the most popular fishing methods.
Let's explore how to choose the right bait and what baits can increase your chances of a successful catch.
Special features of fishing To successfully catch perch, it is necessary to mimic the movement of its potential prey on the water surface. Spinners and crankbaits are perfect for this purpose, providing noise and movement that attract the attention of the predator. The most active hunting usually occurs in warm months. In summer, perch often stays near the water surface, preying on insects. It prefers to inhabit areas with algae, in pits, near the roots of trees and branches, as well as in areas with reverse flow. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically attract it, for example, using heavy spinners.
Advantages of artificial baits Although using live bait on a float rod can also be successful, spin fishing with spinners has its advantages. Firstly, it provides more opportunities for experimentation: it's easier to change the type of spinner than to carry different types of live bait. Secondly, this method works in any season. And, finally, the main advantage for those who love large catches: with spinners, you can catch large perch, which often stay at depths where it is difficult to reach with a float rod.
Choosing spinners When choosing a spinner, you should consider its size and type depending on the fishing conditions. Although you can guess which spinner will be effective, the best way to determine this is to experiment on the water.
Large spinners are suitable for water bodies with slow currents, while narrower and longer spinners are suitable for fast waters. Small and light spinners can be blown away by the wind, while too heavy spinners will not rotate freely. The optimal weight of spinners for perch is usually from 9 to 11 grams.
Checking the quality of spinners — High-quality spinners do not have defects or chips in the paint. — The wire in the center of the spinner is strong enough. — The rotation of the spinner's blade does not stick and occurs easily when turned. — There are no signs of rust. — The hooks are well sharpened. — The blades are made of nickel silver, silver, brass, or copper.
8 tips for choosing the perfect bait Choose spinners with red elements, as perch are attracted to this color. The best effect is usually provided by a spinner with a swinging long blade and without a snap. The size of the spinner should correspond to the size of the potential prey. It is recommended to use spinners sized from 4 to 6 centimeters for smaller fish and from 10 to 11 centimeters for larger ones. Spinners with a ball-shaped or cone-shaped sinker are best for long casts. For fishing in fast rivers, spinners with narrow blades are recommended. Rotating elements of an oval shape can produce sounds that attract fish from a distance. For fishing on lakes, spinners in the form of petals weighing 11 grams are preferable. In the evening, it is better to use spinners in dark or silver shades, while black spinners are effective near the shores of lakes. Spring baits should be bright enough to attract the attention of perch.