Using a super round jig head. For hook sizes, we recommend #1 for 3.8", #1/0 for 4.8", and #3/0 for 5.8".
Using a football shaky head. The hook size is #2/0 for 3.8" and #3/0 for 4.8".
down shot rig
Take your time and do the action in the places you think are right, such as pulling, shaking, and hanging off. The tail responds quickly to even the smallest actions.

Carolina rig, split shot rig
Stable underwater posture and delicate tail action. Sexy Impact creates a unique sense of life even with Carolina or split shot rigs. It swims defenselessly and slips out of the weeds, crawling over the rocks like a reed. This is a highly complete rig that anyone can easily create such a natural effect.
texas rig
It matches the sexy impact as well as the Texas rig. Our philosophy is that it has a good balance that fits any way you use it, regardless of sinker weight. You can use it as you like, from heavy Texas fishing in the weeds to light Texas fishing along the reeds with a slow fall.